Prof. Dr. Alexandra von Kameke

Department Maschinenbau und Produktion

Berliner Tor 21
20099 Hamburg

Raum 320

T +49 40 428 75-8624

Fakultätsverwaltung TI
Prodekanin für Forschung



  • Experimentalphysik 1, Vorlesung WiSe 2024/25 - Teamscode: pahv4aj
  • Experimentalphysik Labor 2. Sem, WiSe 2024/25 - Teamscode: y20e7o2


  • 2D-Turbulence
  • Turbulent reactive flows
  • Flow and concentration measurements, 4D-PTV and  PIV
  • Lagrangian Transport
  • Faraday Flow 
  • Vorticity generation
  • Global and local mixing dynamics and statistics in bioreactors

Betreute Abschlussarbeiten/Doktorarbeiten

1) MSc. Felix Kexel has defended his thesis at the IMS (TUHH) in December 2023 under co-supervision of Alexandra von Kameke. Congratulations! Dr. Felix Kexel is now working with us on the DFG-project "Mixing structures in bubble wakes of single bubbles and bubble swarms and their influence on gas-liquid mass transfer and chemical reactions" ( together with Prof. Michael Schlüter (IMS, TUHH) and Rika Uphoff

2) Co-supervision of thesis of MSc. Rika Uphoff on the project "Mixing structures in bubble wakes of single bubbles and bubble swarms and their influence on gas-liquid mass transfer and chemical reactions" (

3) Co-supervision of thesis of MSc. Eike Steuwe in project B05 in the CRC 1615 "SMART reactors" (

4) Supervision of Post-Doc Dr. Jan Nissen in project B04 in the CRC 1615 "SMART reactors" (


University training and degree

Physics (2002-2008), Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg / Germany Diploma (Dipl.-Phys.) 2008

Advanced academic qualifications

Doctorate: Effects of Turbulent Flows and Superdiffusion on Reaction-Diffusion Systems, Group of non-linear systems, University of Santiago de Compostela / Spain, 2013, Prof. Dr. Vicente Pérez-Munuzuri, Prof. Dr. Alberto Pérez-Munuzuri

Postgraduate professional career

2018- 2021 Group Leader at Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Multiphase Flows

2015-2018 Project leader at the Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Department Ground Vehicles, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany,

2013-2015 Engineer R&D Sensor development, Sensirion AG, Stäfa (Zurich), Switzerland

2011 International scholarship, Northwestern University, Department of Applied Math, Prof. Dirk Brockmann, Evanston/Chicago, USA.

2009-2013 PhD-student, Group of non-linear systems, Prof. Dr. Vicente Pérez-Munuzuri and Prof. Dr. Alberto Pérez-Munuzuri University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Weitere Informationen

Research Projects

Lagrangian Trajectories in Bioreactors (in collaboration with the IMS (TUHH))

Faraday Flow (in collaboration with the IMS (TUHH))

Chemical Reaction in Bubble Wake (in collaboration with the IMS (TUHH))

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences involved in two subprojects of the Collaborative Research Centre 1615
Prof. Dr. Alexandra von Kameke is involved in two projects in a new DFG-funded collaborative research centre at TUHH. It is about smart reactors that help to make the production of high-quality chemicals more flexible and sustainable.
