The Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme and the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme
are running an online event and producing a new book which explores the connections between the SDGs and businesses.
Under the title "The SDGs and Corporate Strategies: implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Businesses", the publication is expected to fill in a gap in respective of integrative publications on the links between corporate practices and the SDGs, taking into account cross-cutting issues.
The book "The SDGs and Corporate Strategies: implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Businesses" will give a special emphasis to a state-of-the-art description of approaches, methods, initiatives, and projects from universities, companies, institutes, research organizations and civil society across the world, regarding the SDGs and business activities and corporate practice.
The book will be published as part of the “World Sustainable Development Series” which, with 34 books published to date and with contributions from over 800 authors from 60 countries, is the world´s leading peer-reviewed book series on sustainable development. The peer-reviewed nature of the series means that publications have been over the years officially accepted for tenure and promotion purposes.
The book "The SDGs and Corporate Strategies: implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Businesses" will also include examples of best practices" will also explore, case studies, examples of projects, institutional policies, innovative methods and tools and research outputs highlighting the interdependence between the SDGs and business success.
The editors are looking for an international balanced combination of theory and practice, with results from research, case studies, and examples of best practices that may be replicable elsewhere. Expressions of interest for the submission of papers, consisting initially of a 200 words abstract outlining the paper - and with all contact details of the authors - should be sent to the IUSCRP/ICCIRP team at: info (at) iccip (dot) net.
The deadline for abstracts is 30th March 2022.
Full papers are due by 30th June 2022.
The International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) is running an on-line event and producing a new book which explores the impacts of climate change to health, with a special emphasis to health hazards. Under the title "Climate Change and Health Hazards: responses to health hazards from a changing climate", the publication is expected to fill in a gap in respective of integrative publications on the links between climate change, health and health hazards, taking into account cross-cutting issues.
The book "Climate Change and Health Hazards: addressing hazards to human and environmental health from a changing climate" will give a special emphasis to a state-of-the-art description of approaches, methods, initiatives, and projects from universities, health institutes, research organizations and civil society across the world, regarding climate change and health.
It will follow the success of the book "Climate Change and Health-Improving Resilience and Reducing Risks" published in 2016 which had over 50.000 downloads.
The book will be published as part of the “Climate Change Management Series” which, with 43 books published to date and with contributions from over 1.000 authors from 60 countries, is the world´s leading peer-reviewed book series on climate change.
The peer-reviewed nature of the series means that publications have been over the years officially accepted for tenure and promotion purposes.
The book "Climate Change and Health Hazards: addressing hazards to human and environmental health from a changing climate" will also include examples of best practices via case studies, examples of projects, institutional policies, innovative methods and tools and research outputs highlighting the interdependence between these climate change, health and health hazards.
The editors are looking for an international balanced combination of theory and practice, with results from research, case studies, and examples of best practices that may be replicable elsewhere. Expressions of interest for the submission of papers, consisting initially of a 200 words abstract outlining the paper - and with all contact details of the authors - should be sent to the ICCIRP team at: info (at) iccip (dot) net.
There are strong connections between a circular economy and the goal of pursuing sustainable development. The thinking behind the circular economy, namely that natural resources may be used in the long-term, as opposed to simply being discarded, means that the rivarly between the pursuit of economic growth and sustainable development can be put aside. Both may go hand in hand. This is particularly important in less afluent countries, where environmental depletion means that natural resources are both scarce and costly.
In order to support efforts to integrate the principles of a circular economy in the practice of sustainable development, the book "Sustainability in a Circular Economy Context" is being prepared.
This book is expected to fill in a gap in respective of integrative publications on the links between the circular economy and sustainable development, taking into account cross-cutting issues. It is produced by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR), through the European Alliance of Sustainability Research and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP).
It will give a special emphasis to a state-of-the-art descriptions of approaches, methods, initiatives and projects from universities, companies, organizations and civil society across the world, regarding the circular economy as it relates to sustainable development. The book will be published as part of the “World Sustainability Series” by Springer, one of the top 5 world scientific publishers in the World. The peer-reviewed nature of the series means that publications have been over the years officially accepted for tenure and promotion purposes.
The book "Sustainability in a Circular Economy Context" will include examples of best practices via case studies, examples of projects, institutional policies, innovative methods and tools and research outputs highligting the interdependence between these two key topics.
The editors are looking for an international balanced combination of theory and practice, with results from research, case studies and examples of best practice which may be replicable elsewhere. Expressions of interest for the submission of papers, consisting initially of a 200 words abstract - with all contact details of the authors - should be sent to the IUSDRP team at: iusdrp (at) ls.haw-hamburg (dot) de.
The deadline for submissions of abstracts is the 20th March 2022. Full papers are due by 15th June 2022.
Abstracts should be sent by the above deadline to: Further details on submissions and format will be discussed with the authors whose abstracts have been accepted.