F. Brandes, S. Ressel, T. Kuhn, A. Laube, J. Ramthun, N. Janshen, A. Chica, C. Weidlich, M. Jeske, S. Fischer, T. Struckmann, Redox flow stacks with tubular cell design - feasibility and performance, Int. Journal of Power Sources 628, 235839, 2025,
N. Janshen, S. Ressel, A. Chica, T. Struckmann, A correlated multi-observable assessment for vanadium redox flow battery state of charge estimation : empirical correlations and temperature dependencies, Electrochimica Acta 490, 144239, 2024,
B. Sánchez Batalla, A. Laube, A. Hofer, S. Zallmann, C. Körner, T. Struckmann, J. Bachmann, C. Weidlich, Long-term performance of PEM water electrolysis cells with 3D printed electrodes and low catalyst loading, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 59, 480-491, 2024,
B. Sánchez Batalla, A. Laube, T. Struckmann, A. Hofer, S. Zallmann, C. Körner, S. Fischer, B. Burek, J. Bachmann, C. Weidlich, A mild method for the activation of cation exchange membranes used in tubular PEM electrolyzers, ChemPlusChem, e202300735, 2024,
A. Laube, B. Sánchez Batalla, C. Weidlich, A. Hofer, J. Bachmann, S. Zallmann, C. Körner, S. Fischer, A. Chica, T. Struckmann, Tubular PEM electrolysis cells with a 3D-printed oxygen electrode and ALD catalyst coating, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49, 437-448, 2024,
N. Janshen, F. Rittweger, C. Modrzynski, K. Riemschneider, A. Chica, T. Struckmann, Fiber optic state of charge sensor for vanadium redox flow batteries, IEEE SENSORS 2023, 1-4,
B. Sánchez Batalla, A. Laube, A. Hofer, T. Struckmann, J. Bachmann, C. Weidlich, Degradation studies of proton exchange membrane water electrolysis cells with low platinum group metals–Catalyst coating achieved by atomic layer deposition, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(94), 39719-39730, 2022,
A. Hofer, S. Wachter, D. Döhler, A. Laube, B. Sánchez, Z. Fu, C. Weidlich, T. Struckmann, C. Körner, J. Bachmann, Practically applicable water oxidation electrodes from 3D-printed Ti6Al4V scaffolds with surface nanostructuration and iridium catalyst coating, Electrochimica Acta 417, 140308, 2022,
A. Laube, A. Hofer, B. Sanchez, C. Weidlich, J. Bachmann, T. Struckmann, Tubular membrane electrode assembly for PEM electrolysis, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(36), 15943-15951, 2022,
S. Ressel, P. Kuhn, S. Fischer, M. Jeske, T. Struckmann, An all-extruded tubular vanadium redox flow cell - Characterization and model-based evaluation, Journal of Power Sources Advances 12, 100077, 2021,
A. Laube, A. Hofer, S. Ressel, A. Chica, J. Bachmann, T. Struckmann, PEM water electrolysis cells with catalyst coating by atomic layer deposition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (79), 38972-38982, 2021,
T. Haisch, H. Ji, L. Holtz, T. Struckmann, C. Weidlich, Crossover in VRFB - Considerations and Results Concerning Crossover Direction and Amount, Membranes 11, 232, 2021,
T. Struckmann, P. Kuhn, S. Ressel, A combined in situ monitoring approach for half cell state of charge and state of health of vanadium redox flow batteries, Electrochimica Acta 362,137174, 2020,
S. Ressel, F. Bill, L. Holtz, N. Janshen, A. Chica, T. Flower, C. Weidlich, T. Struckmann, State of charge monitoring of vanadium redox flow batteries using half cell potentials and electrolyte density, Journal of Power Sources 378, 776-783, 2018,
S. Ressel, A. Laube, S. Fischer, A. Chica, T. Flower, T. Struckmann, Performance of a vanadium redox flow battery with tubular cell design, Journal of Power Sources 355, 199-205, 2017,
Tagungsbeiträge mit Proceedings/Tagungsband
T. Struckmann, N. Janshen, Long term multi-observable data for a state of charge and crossover description of
vanadium flow batteries, The International Flow Battery Forum 2024, pp 110-111, Glasgow, UK, 24.-26. Jun. 2024, ISBN 978-1-9162004-4-9
N. Janshen, A. Chica Lara, T. Struckmann, Long term multi-observable measurements for SOC/SOH analysis and crossover modelling, The International Flow Battery Forum 2023, pp 50-51, Prag, Tschechien, 26.-28. Jun. 2023, ISBN 978-1-9162004-3-2
F. Brandes, A. Chica Lara, T. Struckmann, Parametrization and validation of a tool for the electrical design of tubular redox flow stacks, The International Flow Battery Forum 2023, pp 16-17, Prag, Tschechien, 26.-28. Jun. 2023, ISBN 978-1-9162004-3-2
F. Brandes, Creating a design tool for tubular redox flow battery stacks, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium 2022, p. 29 , Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 19. Mai 2022,
T. Struckmann, F. Brandes, P. Kuhn, N. Janshen, A. Laube, S. Ressel, C. Weidlich, C. Modrzynski, M. Jeske, S. Fischer, StaTuR – Redox flow stacks with tubular cell design, The International Flow Battery Forum 2022, pp 82-83, Brüssel, Belgien, 28.-29. Jun. 2022, ISBN 978-1-9162003-2-6
N. Janshen, A. Chica Lara, T. Struckmann, Correlating observables for state of charge and state of health monitoring and crossover modelling of vanadium redox flow batteries, The International Flow Battery Forum 2022, pp 48-49, Brüssel, Belgien, 28.-29. Jun. 2022, ISBN 978-1-9162003-2-6
F. Brandes, P. Kuhn, T. Struckmann, A design tool for tubular redox flow stacks, The International Flow Battery Forum 2022, pp 22-23, Brüssel, Belgien, 28.-29. Jun. 2022, ISBN 978-1-9162003-2-6
T. Struckmann, J. Böttcher, P. Kuhn, S. Ressel, Fluid flow patterns and limiting current densities in vanadium redox flow batteries, COMSOL Conference 2020, Grenoble, Frankreich, 14.-15. Okt. 2020,
P. Kuhn, S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, Stability of VFB monitoring using electrolyte potential and density, The International Flow Battery Forum 2019, pp. 76-77, Lyon, Frankreich, 9.-11. Jul. 2019, ISBN 978-1-9164518-9-6
S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, Tubular Cell Designs for All Vanadium and Vanadium/Air Flow Batteries, The International Flow Battery Forum 2019, pp. 122-123, Lyon, Frankreich, 9.-11. Jul. 2019, ISBN 978-1-9164518-9-6
T. Struckmann, P. Kuhn, S. Ressel, C. Weidlich, In situ state of charge and crossover estimation of vanadium redox flow batteries from electrolyte potentials and densities, The International Flow Battery Forum 2018, pp. 122-123, Lausanne, Schweiz, ISBN 978-1-9164518-8-9
C. Weidlich, L. Holtz, K. Mangold, S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, Detection of electrolyte crossover by state of charge monitoring in all-vanadium redox-flow batteries, The International Flow Battery Forum 2017, pp 78-79, Manchester, ISBN 978-0-9571055-7-7
S. Ressel, S. Fischer, M. Jeske, A. Chica, T. Flower, T. Struckmann, Influence of electrode configurations of tubular redox flow cells on performance characteristics, The International Flow Battery Forum 2017, pp 120-121, Manchester, ISBN 978-0-9571055-7-7
S. Ressel, S. Fischer, S. Haschke, S. Schlicht, C. Weidlich, M. Jeske, J. Bachmann, A. Chica, T. Flower, T. Struckmann, A tubular vanadium/air redox flow cell: fabrication and first experimental results, The International Flow Battery Forum 2016, pp 136-137, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-0-9571055-6-0
C. Weidlich, K.-M. Mangold, S. Ressel, W. Winkler, Tubular redox flow battery: tubulAir±, The International Flow Battery Forum 2014, pp 89, Hamburg, ISBN 978-0-9571055-4-6
Sonstige Tagungsbeiträge
N. Janshen, Development of a state of charge and state of health measurement sensor for vanadium redox flow batteries, 8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, Graz, Österreich, 11.-15. Juli 2022
F. Brandes, Prototype of a redox flow battery stack with tubular cell design, 8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, Graz, Österreich, 11.-15. Juli 2022
T. Struckmann,Tubular flow battery stacks – results and model based design, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium, Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 19. Mai 2022
A. Laube, S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, A. Chica Lara, Design and performance analysis of a tubular PEM electrolysis cell, European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering (ESEE 2021), Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 14.-17. Juni 2021
T. Struckmann, P. Kuhn, S. Ressel, Effective fluid flow parameters and limiting current densities in flow-by redox flow batteries, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium, Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 6. Mai 2021
S. Ressel, A. Laube, A. Chica Lara, T. Struckmann, A Tubular Membrane Electrode Assembly with a Monolayer Oxygen Electrode, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium, Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 6. Mai 2021
S. Ressel, A tubular cell concept for Redox Flow Batteries, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium, Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 14. Mai 2020
A. Laube, S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, A. Chica, Design and performance analysis of a tubular PEM electrolysis cell, Virtual E3C Electrochemical Cell Concept Colloquium, Fraunhofer Umsicht, Oberhausen, Deutschland, 14. Mai 2020
P. Kuhn, T. Struckmann, A. Chica, Development of a Redox Flow Battery Stack with Tubular Cells, 5th CARPE Conference, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Valenzia, Spanien, 24-25. Okt. 2019
A. Laube, T. Struckmann, A. Chica, Design and performance analysis of a tubular PEM electrolysis cell, CARPE Conference 2019, Valencia, Spanien, 24.-25. Okt. 2019
S. Ressel, T. Struckmann, Tubular Vanadium Redox Flow Cells, Let it flow: Infotag Redox-Flow-Batterien der DECHEMA, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland, 11. April 2019
T. Struckmann, State of charge and capacity estimation for vanadium redox flow batteries using half cell potentials and electrolyte densities, KIT - 2. Flow Battery Kolloquium, Karlsruhe, 12. Sept. 2018
T. Struckmann, M. Nix, S. Ressel, Evaluation of design options for tubular redox flow batteries, COMSOL Conference 2017, Rotterdam, Niederlande, 18.-20. Okt. 2017
S. Ressel, T. Flower, A. Chica, T. Struckmann, Development of Tubular All Vanadium and Vanadium/Air Redox Flow Batteries, 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spanien, 1.-5. Okt. 2017
S. Ressel, A. Chica, T. Flower, T. Struckmann, A Tubular Cell Design for Redox Flow Batteries, GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, FG-Elektrochemie, Berlin, 10.-14. Sept. 2017
S. Ressel, Mikro-tubuläre Redox-Flow-Batterie, Statusseminar der Förderinitiative Energiespeicher des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin, 22.-23. April 2015